Jacklyn Giron
Elija una serie de insignias
Ordenadas por:
Ganadas 23/38 insignias de Travis
- x2Early Bird10 carreras antes de las 7amRecibida 6/12/1030% earned
- x2Night Owl10 carreras después de las 9pmRecibida 9/06/1121% earned
- x2Lunch Hour10 entrenamientos de 12pm a 2pmRecibida 9/06/1127% earned
- x2Popular25 seguidoresRecibida 1/23/12196 awarded
- x1OCDIniciar sesión durante 30 días seguidos.Necesitas 29 más6% earned
- x2One MileCorre 1 milla (1.6km)Recibida 6/12/1093% earned
- x1MarathonerTermina una maratón22% earned
- Ultra-MarathonerFinaliza una carrera de 50km8% earned
- x2Half MarathonerTermina una media maratón de 13.1 millasRecibida 6/12/1046% earned
- x210kerTerminar una 10KRecibida 6/12/1070% earned
- Beat a 9yr oldAcaba en menos de 2:55:001% earned
- x1Pounded PalinAcaba en menos de 3:59:0010% earned
- x1Past DiddyCorrer en menos de 4:15:0012% earned
- x1Under OprahAcaba en menos de 4:29:00.14% earned
- x1Cleared KateFin < 5:29:0019% earned
- x25 for 5Correr 5 dias consecutivosRecibida 8/31/1040% earned
- x210 for 10Iniciar sesión durante 10 días seguidos.Recibida 12/19/1022% earned
- x220 for 20Iniciar sesión durante 20 días seguidos.Recibida 12/30/1014% earned
- x250 for 50Iniciar sesión durante 50 días seguidos.Recibida 10/17/118% earned
- x2Perfect 100Iniciar sesión durante 100 días seguidos.Recibida 4/07/126% earned
- x210 under your beltCorre 10 milla (16.09km)Recibida 6/12/1079% earned
- x220 under your beltCorre 20 milla (32.19km)Recibida 6/12/1074% earned
- x250 under your beltCorre 50 milla (80.47km)Recibida 6/12/1067% earned
- x2A century downCorre 100 milla (160km)Recibida 6/12/1061% earned
- x2Monster 500Corre 500 milla (804.67km)Recibida 1/19/1142% earned
- x2Solid WeekCorre 10 millas en una semanaRecibida 6/12/1075% earned
- x2Rocked the weekCorre 25 millas en una semanaRecibida 6/12/1051% earned
- x2Solid month30 miles in a monthRecibida 6/12/1065% earned
- x2Rocked the month75 miles in a monthRecibida 6/28/1044% earned
- Run nut month300 miles in a monthNecesitas 299mi más2% earned
- Guinea pigHelped with the betaRellene encuesta6% earned
- x25kerRun a 5kRecibida 6/28/1087% earned
- x2Birthday RunBirthday runRecibida 2/05/1021% earned
- x1Brought a buddy1 friend joinsNecesitas 1 más5% earned
- x1Got friends3 friends joinNecesitas 1 más1% earned
- x1Social seven7 friends joinNecesitas 1 más153 awarded
- x1Shares wellFriends+their friends=25Necesitas 1 más30 awarded
- Pack LeaderFriends+their friends=50Necesitas 6 más15 awarded
Por medallas: Travis Tiffen
Ganadas 25/39 insignias de Kelly
- x2NYC-PhillyCorre 93 millas (150 km)Recibida 6/05/1261% earned
- x2London-ParisCorre 232 millas (390km)Recibida 6/05/1252% earned
- x2Sydney-MelbourneCorre 561 millas (903 km)Recibida 6/05/1241% earned
- x2NYC-ChicagoCorre 858 millas (1,381 km)Recibida 6/05/1235% earned
- x2Miami-TorontoCorre 1,488 millas (2,395km)Recibida 6/05/1226% earned
- x2Chariots of FireRun 124 mins totalRecibida 6/05/1277% earned
- x2Went to workRun 8 hours totalRecibida 6/05/1267% earned
- x2That's a dayRun 24 hours totalRecibida 6/05/1258% earned
- x2Week not weakRun 168 hours totalRecibida 6/05/1233% earned
- x1Outlast the AlamoRun 312 hours totalNecesitas23% earned
- Chill runner10 slow jogs in a monthRecibida 2/19/2416% earned
- x2Easy runner10 jogs in a monthRecibida 6/05/1236% earned
- x1Roadrunner10 fast runs in a monthNecesitas 10 más12% earned
- Mercury10 very fast runs monthNecesitas 10 más2% earned
- x1Fast & Slow10 fast + 10 slow monthNecesitas 10 rápidas & 9 lentas1% earned
- x1StairsUp miles for 4 monthsNecesitas 34mi más23% earned
- x1Steep stairsUp 5 miles for 4 monthsNecesitas 39mi más13% earned
- x1Long stairsUp miles for 6 monthsNecesitas 34mi más4% earned
- x1Long/Steep stairsUp 5 miles for 6 monthsNecesitas 39mi más2% earned
- x1Towering stairsUp 10 miles for 6 monthsNecesitas 44mi más595 awarded
- x2In it for JanuaryRun 10 days in JanRecibida 6/05/1238% earned
- x2In it for FebruaryRun 10 days in FebRecibida 6/05/1236% earned
- x2In it for MarchRun 10 days in MarRecibida 6/05/1238% earned
- x2In it for AprilRun 10 days in AprRecibida 6/05/1238% earned
- x2In it for MayRun 10 days in MayRecibida 6/05/1240% earned
- x2In it for JuneRun 10 days in JunRecibida 6/05/1239% earned
- x2In it for JulyRun 10 days in JulRecibida 6/05/1239% earned
- x2In it for AugustRun 10 days in AugRecibida 6/05/1240% earned
- x2In it for SeptemberRun 10 days in SepRecibida 6/05/1239% earned
- x2In it for OctoberRun 10 days in OctRecibida 6/05/1237% earned
- x2In it for NovemberRun 10 days in NovRecibida 6/05/1234% earned
- x2In it for DecemberRun 10 days in DecRecibida 6/05/1233% earned
- Color PickerWin photo contest1 buena foto40 awarded
- x2365 daysRun 365 daysRecibida 1/03/1323% earned
- x2365 of 730Run 365 days in < 2yrsRecibida 1/03/1313% earned
- x1365 of 365Corre 365 días consecutivos365 días más2% earned
- x1A year in runningRun a whole yearEspere Ene 12% earned
- x1Leap year sweepEvery day in a leap yearWait 2024604 awarded
- TranslatorHelp translate154 awarded
Por medallas: Kelly Meissner
Ganaste 11/38 insignias Pro
(Earning badges from pro badge unlock date)
- x1U.S. of R.5 US StatesRun in 1 more state26% earned
- x2Internacional2 paisesRecibida 12/21/1556% earned
- Top and BottomN.+S. hemisphereRun South latitude11% earned
- 4 Corners4 hemispheresNecesitas 3 más1% earned
- x1International Super Runner10 CountriesNecesitas 8 más6% earned
- x2Special AgentQualify FBIRecibida 9/04/1680% earned
- Foreign LegionQualify Béret Vert7% earned
- Super AgentQualify Super FBINeed to shave 01:0622% earned
- x2Sunriser10 runs at sunriseRecibida 6/10/1843% earned
- Full Moon Runner10 full moon runsRecibida 5/22/2436% earned
- x2Sunsetter10 runs at sunsetRecibida 11/15/1655% earned
- x2Longest DayRun twice on Summer SolsticeRecibida 6/21/166% earned
- x1Shortest DayRun twice on Winter SolsticeEspera 41 días6% earned
- x2Four furtherFarther for 4 monthsRecibida 9/16/1860% earned
- Six furtherFarther for 6 monthsNeed a 2.5mi run19% earned
- Four far further2k farther for 4 monthsNeed a 3.6mi run26% earned
- Six far further2k farther for 6 monthsNeed a 3.6mi run4% earned
- Further to farther5k farther for 6 monthsNeed a 5.5mi run59 awarded
- x1Short and steady10 steady 5k'sNecesitas 10 más54% earned
- x1Long and steady10 steady 10k'sNecesitas 10 más35% earned
- x1Short and solid10 solid 5k'sNecesitas 10 más37% earned
- Long and solid10 solid 10k'sNecesitas 10 más21% earned
- Long and rock solid10 rock solid 10k'sNecesitas 10 más8% earned
- x2Two by 33Run 33 alternate daysRecibida 5/31/1655% earned
- x2Two by 99Run 99 alternate daysRecibida 1/31/1726% earned
- x1Two by 33 by 10k10k's on 33 alternate daysNecesitas 31 días más12% earned
- x2Two by 99 by 5k5k's on 99 alternate daysRecibida 1/31/1714% earned
- Two by 365 by 10kRun 10k on 365 alternate daysNecesitas 363 días más45 awarded
- x1Top of TableGain 1,085m in a month.Sube 3,461pie más alto75% earned
- Climbed Half DomeGain 2,694m in a month.Sube 8,740pie más alto45% earned
- Reached Fitz RoyGain 3,359m in a month.Sube 10,922pie más alto36% earned
- Matterhorn masterGain 4,478m in a month.Sube 14,593pie más alto26% earned
- Conquered EverestGain 8,848m in a month.Sube 28,930pie más alto8% earned
- x2Towered PisaAscend 56 metersRecibida 2/08/1686% earned
- Top of WashingtonAscend 169 metersSube 259pie más alto57% earned
- Over the EiffelAscend 301 metersSube 692pie más alto38% earned
- Above the BurjAscend 830 metersSube 2,428pie más alto14% earned
- To Pike's PeakLog a run with a vertical ascent of at least 2,382 meters.Sube 7,087pie más alto3% earned
Ha ganado 3 insignias de la edición limitada
- Veteran
- Corleone badge
- Annus Horribilis